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We provide our patients the latest in eye care technology.

The optomap Retinal Exam is used by your eye doctor to get an ultra-widefield view of the retina (the back of the eye).

While eye exams generally include a look at the front of the eye to evaluate health and prescription changes, a thorough screening of the retina is critical to verify that your eye is healthy. This can lead to early detection of common diseases, such as glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration, and even cancer. The exam is quick, painless, and may not require dilation drops.

We believe the optomap Retinal Exam is an important first step in every comprehensive examination. The optomap is the only technology that provides an ultra-widefield view of the retina. By combining your doctor’s expertise and the optomap wide-view images, you and your doctor can make informed decisions about your eye health and overall wellness. Click here to view/download the optos patient brochure (in English and Spanish).

After reviewing with your doctor, your optomap Images are archived and used to monitor your eye health and overall wellness from year to year.

Maintaining Healthy Eye Sight with Optos

Learn More About Optos

In 1990, 5 year old Leif Anderson went blind in one eye due to an undiagnosed retinal detachment. He was getting regular eye exams, but conventional tests available at the time made a thorough examination difficult. Distressed by the diagnostic methods available, Leif’s father, Douglas, designed the optomap retinal exam.

To learn more about optos and optomap, please visit