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Eye Care Doctor & Family Optometry in Eastover, Fayetteville & Hope Mills NC

We are proud to provide everything from contact lenses to family optometry in the greater Hope Mills, NC area. See what our patients are saying about their visit to Professional Eye Care.

“I visited Dr.Raynor for years for an annual checkup. The day finally came where readers would no longer work for me. To my shock and horror, I needed bifocals to correct my near and far vision.

Disturbing for someone who was not wearing glasses at all, except for close reading. I was not happy about having to immediately wear glasses and adjust to bifocals. But Dr. Raynor tool the time to fit me with multivision contacts that would correct my near and far vision right away and educated me on how to care for my eyes while wearing them. It took several attempts to fit them, but I received all the time necessary to make them work.

I left the office seeing better than I had in years… and I thought I could never wear contacts!”

– William G.